UPDATE: Compass Leaving Care was fully subscribed in May 2018.
Investing in COMPASS is a unique opportunity to be a part of an innovative program that will support 202 young people transition from Out of Home Care in Victoria. It is a preventive program that will provide participants with access to housing, key support workers as well as providing access to specialist support services as required.
Sources of return for investors
The Social Impact Bond (SIB) has been designed to generate a cash yield to investors throughout its 7.5 year term. Investors will receive a fixed coupon in the early stages of the SIB and variable outcome payments and property sales in the latter stages:
- Coupons: investors will receive a 3.50% per annum coupon, paid half yearly over the first 2 years of the SIB;
- Outcome payments: will be paid to investors annually from 2021 until 2025. These payments will be paid based on performance against the 3 outcome measures and the weightings described above;
- Property sales: the property portfolio is expected to be sold from year 5 onwards. Investors will receive the net proceeds of the sale of this property.
Estimated Returns
Investors will have an opportunity to generate up to a 9.22% p.a. rate of return, assuming no change to property values.
Investment is open to wholesale investors only. Refer to the Information Memorandum for further details.
If you are interested in investing in the COMPASS Social Impact Bond and would like a copy of the Information Memorandum and Supplement and/or Application Form please email us at info@compassleavingcare.org.au